

A 70 year old retired Psychotherapist who has had a very varied and colourful working life which includes working as a trainer for MacMillan, HR director for a multinational company owning a number of flower shops to now being co owner of Tab Healthcare Ltd importing effective high quality food supplements to the UK.
Sabire studied organic chemistry at university so is able to understand the chemistry and interactions of how food supplements and herbs etc work.
Committed to making a difference to the wellbeing of others as she has suffered with migraine since she was 19 years old and has been a long Covid patients since March 2020 which turned her life into a living nightmare. She feels extremely lucky that she came across Magnimore Plus quite by chance that changed her life completely and she wants to help others.


A medical doctor who practices functional medicine which combines both conventional medicine and nutraceutical’s in treating patients.
She is an expert in Magnesium and has written a best selling book which is currently being translated to English. She has expertise in the use and combinations of food supplements to increase their effectiveness.
She and her mother were chronic and severe migraine sufferers and she committed herself to finding a solution and that is how the formulation of Magnimore Plus was developed


Aytekin Pahsa has years of experience in the Nutraceuticals sector and founded Tab Ilac in 2011 with his wife Dr Elif Pahsa
Since its inception they have increased the size of their manufacturing facility and its range significantly 
Their mission is creating superior products and bringing them to their consumers by using unrivalled patented raw materials with high bio-efficiency, sourced from leading suppliers with well regarded certificates.

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